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A Letter From an Agent

Adam Fuller writes a thank you to his brokerage and his peers to celebrate his 2 years with DJ&Lindsey Real Estate

What a crazy two years! I’m a couple days late on this post but wanted to make it anyways!

04/07/2021 I started with DJ & Lindsey Real Estate, mere days after getting my license for Real Estate, and boy am I glad I chose them! It’s been one heck of a roller coaster and I couldn’t be happier I’m along for the ride! My first year (8 months) in the business I managed to help 15 families buy and sell their homes in North East Florida. I also was voted by my peers for winning the Be Kind award at our annual Christmas party!

Move on to year two and the market was still a buzzing and things were still crazy and then D.j. DellaSala and Lindsey Skye DellaSala pulled me aside with a proposition and I jumped at the opportunity to help out with the leadership of the St Augustine and south Florida offices! After 6 months of helping out with that I talked with Brittany and Dj and just missed being an agent and being in sales and felt there was just too much fuel left in that gas can to let it go to waste and hopped back into production and finished the year with 18 deals closed!

Then we get into this year which if you haven’t heard is crazy for different reasons! The interest rates are all over the place, inflations running amuck, and buyers and sellers are all over the place. But that hasn’t stopped myself or our team. While for me it might have been a slower start to the year than I would have liked I am on target for my goals and last week executed not 1, not 2, but 4 contracts and one of those on my listing in palm coast bringing the beginning Q2 numbers to 8 closed and pending! Following up with people and making them know that you’re here for them wether they buy in a week or a year has been one of the reasons I love what I do. I spoke to one of my buyers this morning who is moving here from Colorado and her compliment made me been! “Adam I don’t really know what I’m doing but I'm very happy I have you and Emily here to help me, I trust your guidance and am so happy I found you!”

The market will have ups and downs, and every job will have ups and downs, but man am I happy to have friends and family with Dj and Lindsey and the support of everyone on the team!

- Adam Fuller

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