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A Note to Agents

CEO DJ DellaSala addresses the MASSIVE new changes taking place in the real estate industry.

In one week, the Real Estate Industry is going through arguably one of the most historic changes of our time. Do we all love change? Most would say “No.” No matter whether you agree OR disagree with the reasons WHY it has to change, the truth is that it’s HERE and it’s HAPPENING.

As a leader of so many AMAZING people, both Agents and Staff, it always been my job to see around the corner and start making necessary changes. Last November we made our initial internal change.

Honestly, I learned a lot from the roll out as the change management didn’t meet my expectations of clarity for our company. We made it through, and the aftermath was a positive, well understood change of where we were going as an industry and as a company.

Last week, we did a Soft Launch of our Showing Agreement, Buyer Broker Agreement, and updated Listing Agreement.

Yesterday, we held a company-wide, Town Hall style training where we could be clear and confident in the changes and they were not only embraced, but most importantly, understood! It lasted over 90 minutes and I have to give MAJOR credit to our leaders who led this!

Next week, the day our MLS removes compensation from the MLS, we will be hosting our Final ALL-Hands meeting IN PERSON to spend as much time together on our final discussion before our Final Launch!

The following days and weeks will not be spent sitting and waiting, whining and complaining. We are hosting in-person role playing sessions agent to agent, agent to leader, leader to leader.

Because of our structure, the ability to be together everyday to talk and discuss any and all challenges will once again set us apart from our competition. Our agents will be trained BETTER and MORE OFTEN. THAT is my promise.

I am so passionate about the success of Real Estate agents and this challenge is our chance to RISE to the top in our market. To not only SERVE the client at the highest level, but to also Train, Coach, and Mentor MORE agents and help them navigate this uncertain time.

THIS is a moment in time that Agents (no matter how experienced they are) HAVE to change.

Open Houses aren’t going to be the lead generating tool they once were. Sphere business is going to be compressed, unless you have a unique advantage to offer something they can’t get, i.e. off market deals, Uber-like showings (anytime, any place). It’s going to be a RACE to who can get to the consumer FIRST!

Where do 97% of the consumers start their home buying and home selling journey?


Over the last 15 years, I have been solidifying our partnerships with Zillow, Realtordotcom, Google, and many more.

Though my approach has always been very much criticized within the industry, it now appears to be a monumental advantage for OUR agents to get to the consumer FIRST!!

Change can be Scary, but it’s time to look in the mirror and honestly ask yourself... Are you ready? Is your Brokerage preparing you? Is your business model ready to pivot? Are you getting actual training and coaching? Are your colleagues in your own office supporting you?

You don’t have to go through this alone! We are here for you! We are here to support you! We are here to make you succeed! We are here as your partners!! We are here for your family!

The Best is Yet to Come

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