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Half Full or Half Empty

Halfway through the year, these agents are absolutely CRUSHING!

Halfway through the year that experts claimed would allow the cream to rise to the top. 

The agents who don’t cut corners, provide the most value, and are CONSTANTLY in front of their clients will take market share from their peers.

Then the news hit, the NAR settlement! So if the year hadn’t promised to be difficult enough, the last 3 years caught up.

Ohhhh and lets not forget, it’s an election year, a historical benchmark that promises to affect the housing market, yet never seems to. But I digress!

DESPITE all that nonsenseeeee… our agents don’t seem to care.. Because their sales numbers look like 2022. Just SLINGGGINGGGG houses and taking vacations.. Buying new cars, and investment properties.

If Martin Scoresese didn’t make “The Wolf of Wall Street”, he’d find a great story in the high ticket sales and excitement of the crazy north florida real estate market. Maybe the “NorthFlorida’s Real Estate Royals.”

Because the LEVEL of real estate these agents are doing is just INSANE!! I mean, this is HALFWAY through THE YEAR and these numbers are looking like seasoned agent career numbers!

I wish I could say I'm shocked… but if you’ve stepped inside one of our offices and heard the conversations, felt the energy, talked with a leader… you too, wouldn’t be shocked by these numbers.

Your year is either halfway over or you have half a year left to make it COUNT!

If you want to see what you might be capable of in 6 months… take a look!

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