In this study we track the journey of an agent, Bailey Cooley, from entry into real estate to present day.

I would say, “meet Bailey Cooley”, but you’ve already met her. She’s made several appearances on our social media. Just 10 days into her real estate journey, she and a fellow agent, Alex Probert, joined Todd Juliano on a podcast. Having her on the podcast gave such a unique perspective about entry into the industry but mostly on the inside of the proverbial “4 walls of DJ & Lindsey Real Estate”.
Bailey joined our team Wednesday October 5, 2022. Coming off finishing her collegiate softball career at Eastern Florida Community College in Cocoa, Florida. Born and raised in Jacksonville, she returned home to pursue her passion of real estate. Starting a business in a town you grew up in, you’d think it would be easy to find some buying customers, especially in real estate. An industry where brokers are still barking that your sphere is your best place to build business. Well, what if your sphere is a sphere of doubters. A sphere of nay-sayers with zero belief that you’ll be able to achieve your dreams of being successful.
How easy would it be to build business in that sphere?

Just 2 days after her onboard at DJ & Lindsey, Bailey is put on calls and is ON HER WAY to building her business! She’s getting her hands dirty. She’s making calls, she’s going on shadow showings, she’s doing it all! For reference our training program runs about 2 weeks. So someone being able to jump on calls on her second day is pretty incredible. And not just her second day here, her second day in real estate. By October 28, she had written and executed her first contract. In just 23 days into her real estate career, Bailey Cooley rang the bell at DJ & Lindsey’s Jacksonville Headquarters.
5 days later, she writes up another one…
Ok so she got lucky, walked into 2 people at the right place at the right time…
I don’t have the pages to tell you right now just how wrong you are, so we’ll keep going because the rest of the story will wind up answering that open minded assumption...
"Well at first I was very scared. but speaking with leaders like Holly, I remembered, this is my dream. this is in my blood. I will not give up! That's when it went from sadness to a fire inside of me. It made me hungrier."
So here’s Bailey Cooley just shy of 30 days into real estate with two homes under contract when her phone rings, one of her contracts is going to be canceled. Less than a week before closing, a sticky situation caused this contract to be canceled. Two days later she meets for her 30 day review with her mentors and leadership staff. She’s trying not to get discouraged that she had a contract canceled. In her review she mentions her goals of her annual income, and goals of new large purchases she wants to keep moving her life forward. The 30 day review is a chance for the agent to really sink their teeth in. Have some time with leadership and iron out what they want to get out of their career and how they can get there. It's a chance to plan their future and get excited about the months ahead. With the guidance of her mentors, she has a new action plan on reaching those goals.
So what do some of those goals look like?
In order to reach her annual income goal, Bailey has to sell 25 homes.
But homes aren’t all the same price…

Right.. So it seems they’re using an average home value in order to arrive at 25 homes. Because our goal here isn’t to have Bailey reach her goal, its to surpass her goal. Not because she set the bar too low, but because she capable of WAY MORE than she thinks. That’s the incredible nature of this structure and journey. Our team of leadership and mentors understand how hard it is, because they’ve been there.
So Bailey has her plan, she’s going to sell 25 homes. But first she’s got to conquer the day. She needs to have 20 conversations a day in order to sell AT LEAST 2 homes a month with one month selling 3 homes. Perfect. We are at day thirty and we’re at… 1 sold.
Ok so not the HOTTEST start, so we have some work to do. And that she does. In fact, that contract that had been canceled earlier, she was able to get him back under contract in the same development in which he originally wanted. Customer SAVED. So she rings the bell and keeps moving along, hitting her conversation goals, hitting her showing goals and increasing her met with rate, she’s doing everything she’s supposed to. However, as we approach the 60 day mark, she’s only netted 2 more deals bringing her total to 4 homes sold.
4 homes sold in 60 days seems like we’re back on track to our 25 homes goal…
December… those long 3 months between the 2 weeks after Halloween until the HARDEST first week of January. NO ONE, I mean ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, buys a home during the holiday season. Good luck selling those 2 homes you need this month.
Bailey attended the DJ & Lindsey holiday party. She spent time with her family and friends. Participated in secret Santa with friends at the office and rang in the new year as she set off on her new career.

Oh yea she also sold 6 homes. Did I forget to mention that?
This girl went OFF!! Those conversations. Those showings. They paid off! Bailey said she had her customers in the perfect position to strike when the buyer frenzy went cold during the holiday season and listings agents were freaking out, she swooped in with her customers and landed them their dream homes!
Moral of the story: Bailey is THE REAL DEAL! She’s just 109 days into her career and she’s hungrier than ever!
Congratulations on your success and we cannot WAIT to watch your grow!

If you are looking to take your career to the next level and plan for success like Bailey, click below to find out more!