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Happy Birthday DJLRE

DJ & Lindsey Real Estate Celebrates 9 years as a brokerage.

Above: DJ & Lindsey Real Estate Anniversary Video. Below: DJ & Lindsey DellaSala circa 2012

Today we celebrate 9 YEARS!!!!

9 years ago, Lindsey and I took the CRAZIEST leap of our lives to open our own Real Estate Company.

We decided to do what every other Real Estate Company WASN’T/ISN’T willing to do.


Not some bullsh** investing either… I’m talking about my and Lindsey’s tiny, little bit of money we had and bought high quality portal leads for our agents.

When we opened ACRE, we didn’t have enough money to do very much. I went to IKEA and put together furniture, LOTS of furniture. Lindsey and her friends and family painted the interior walls of our office until 3am to make sure we could open.

The LAST thing we needed was a printer…

So I went to Staples. (For everyone who knows me and my relationship with my printer, THIS is why.)

The printer the guy was selling me on was $600 and another $300 just for INK!

Lindsey already thought I was absolutely INSANE for furnishing and leasing a 2000sf space with ZERO agents.

I called her and told her about the printer. She was being reasonable and saying to just get the $60 one, and that when we get agents, we can come back and get a better one.

I said NO WAY!!

We can’t think like that. We are going to be different and people WILL want to come work here!! (We sold a Billion dollars with the same version of that printer.)

They did!!

One by one by one.

They came and worked here.

We worked FOR them!

People see us selling a LOT of Real Estate. They see the Billboards, the constant ads and everything we do…. and don’t understand the RISK we took.

The risk we STILL take.

It’s to make a BIG difference in one of the most competitive industries on the planet.

To provide for all of our agents and our staff.

It’s to make a DIFFERENCE in a CRAZY world where very few people will take chances on people.

We take those chances everyday to help agents who traditionally fail catastrophically in this industry.

I had $5,000 in savings when we opened and a 10 year old son… but I told Lindsey that I wouldn’t let her down.

I told her, “you can count on me. You can bet on me.”

We worked 18 hours or more every DAY in that office… coming home only to work MORE.

Years and years of grinding to break through.

So when you see us post about being “Number One” and selling a billion dollars, it’s not bragging.

It’s me looking back and saying Holy Shiiiiiiiiii!!!!

We Did it!!!

Everyone told me we couldn’t do it!! That there’s no way it would work. That there’s no way I’d ever be successful. I had a broker once refer to me as a liability!


Guess what???

It’s just getting started!!!

The Best is Truly Yet to Come!!!

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